Automatic Data AugmentationIn todays world there is a lot of data, but finding good data for machine learning is challenging. Getting real time data fed to a machine…Mar 26, 2021Mar 26, 2021
Trying to Predict the Price of BitcoinWhat is the best way to predict the future? I would argue that a subset of machine learning called “Time Series Forecasting” is. This is…Dec 19, 2020Dec 19, 2020
Regularization for machine learning in terms a child could understand.I am going to be explaining regularization is in regards to supervised learning, in very very simple terms, without much math. Or in other…May 30, 2020May 30, 2020
How I Learned That Machine Learning is A Lot Like Skiing.So I used to be a very good skier, I could ski any run on my local mountain in northern Idaho. I love skiing, I also love machine learning…May 25, 2020May 25, 2020
How to enable X11 Forwarding in windows 10 on a Vagrant Virtual Box Running UbuntuSo first you will need a Vagrant Virtual Box Running Ubuntu. This tutorial will not cover how to do this as there are adequate tutorials…Jan 31, 2020Jan 31, 2020
A Simple explanation of what happens when you look up a website.What happens when you type a website into your browser? It needs to talk to many different parts of the internet to get where it is going…Aug 26, 2019Aug 26, 2019
My take on the Internet of ThingsToday I will be talking about the Internet Of Things. If you do not know what the Internet Of Things is I will explain, put simply the…Jul 27, 2019Jul 27, 2019
An introduction to Machine LearningToday I will be writing about machine learning. I consider myself an enthusiast not an expert, so keep that in mind. With that said I want…Jun 25, 2019Jun 25, 2019
Objects in PythonToday I am going to talk about objects in python, specifically their ids and types, the differences between mutable and immutable objects…May 30, 2019May 30, 2019
Libraries in CThere are two types of libraries in C, static libraries and dynamic, or shared libraries. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. We…May 7, 2019May 7, 2019
Shell and How it Interpreters CommandsIn Linux a shell is a command line interface, most modern systems use a graphical user interface. While a GUI (graphical user interface)…Apr 18, 20191Apr 18, 20191
Static Libraries, What Are They?What is a library, in C it is a collection of functions that are predefined by the user or someone else, that can be used in a program to…Mar 4, 2019Mar 4, 2019
GCC and How It WorksWhat is GCC, and how does it work? GCC is a compiler that was first released in 1987. Originally it was called the GNU C Compiler, as it…Feb 7, 2019Feb 7, 2019
Wildcards in bashWildcards in bash are very useful. For example the ls *.c command would list all files that end in .c. How does this work? The * wild card…Feb 5, 2019Feb 5, 2019
Hard links vs Symbolic linksHard links and symbolic links are useful tools, but they are often confused. A hard link is a file by another name. A symbolic link is…Feb 5, 2019Feb 5, 2019